Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ever since I was a kid, I was always fascinated with flying. When I'd see a kite fly, a bird fly or even a plane fly..I'd become ecstatic! I decided to get myself a few licenses and started working on it. I flew in UK for quite some time but then had to move to the States. In few months time I decided to get myself American licenses too. I tasted success and finally got myself a license to fly in the States. Couple of months ago I had a situation, I was taking off from an airport the Aircraft's Engines failed. I had to declare an emergency and had to land on a golf course. This airport was in a Mountainous region and so was the golf course. I was trying to safely land the aircraft on the golf course but because of several reasons we nearly crashed. I broke my right wrist and right ankle in the process. Had two major surgeries and was in pretty bad shape.

Before the crash I never had any time, always doing something; going out, working, meeting friends, playing sports and so on.. but after this crash, I had to be on a wheel chair for almost three months. I had many difficulties performing bare minimum things, let alone things like driving or walking. In this period I started thinking so much (I had nothing much to do in the free time..lol) about life, friends blah blah. I'd get angry on friends who didn't call up to say get well soon or relatives who didn't come to see me etc.. I'd often think damn, these are the people who I helped in such and such time, and these guys can't even be bothered to show me some care? This feeling was making me quite bitter with in. I've always believed in 'there's some one up there' philosophy. Call it a Supernatural force, God, Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Buddha or what ever. So, when ever in life I'm puzzled, worried, have no clue, happy etc. I'd depend upon that supernatural force. Sometimes for questions, sometimes with gratefulness and some other times with wonder.

This time I had a question, I asked the supernatural force Why this indifference in human beings? Why didn't everybody come to see me and wish me well when I was down? I must admit, there were a few friends and relatives who did come to see me..huh! But I still wanted an answer. The boredom of sitting at home plus all the pain from fractures..boi it was though. I desperately wanted an answer. So desperate, that sometimes I couldn't get sleep in the night..my wait for the answer continued...

My dad came to help me out, he took a month off work to stay with me. He'd often push my wheel chair and take me to shops, gas stations nearby to keep me busy. As I'd go to these shops, the shopkeepers who saw me walking before were saddened to see my state, and they'd all wish me well. Some even gave me a chocolate, a hug, wishes etc. When such gestures came from strangers, it felt so nice. It felt good that unknown people too can be full of compassion. My mind though would sometimes tell me, may be these shopkeepers etc are being kind to me because I'm their customer, so they have some benefit from me!

After a couple of days I received a parcel from India which contained a letter for me and a Rosary (which had Jesus Christ's frame on a cross). The letter was full of blessings and wishes, it was sent to me by a Christian nun(Sr.Rosario) who is part of Missionaries Of Charity. My dad gives some donations for the orphans and medically ill people who get served by these Nuns for free. This is how that Sister(Nun) knows our family. To thank her for the parcel, I called her up in India, the call got answered by another Sister(Nun). Here's what we both spoke :

Me - Can I please speak to Sister Rosario?
Nun - I'm sorry, today you can't because she's praying the whole day today and fasting.
Me - Oh..okay. I didn't know you guys have to fast too..! but anyway I'll call back later.
Nun - No sir we don't fast usually. We know this very nice man who often lends his help for Orphans in our mission, and he has only one son. Recently that guy crashed his airplane and is very ill. That's why Sister Rosario is on a fast and is praying for him today.
Me - OMG, you mean she is praying for Shreyan from US?
Nun - Yes, you know about Shreyan..? you must be the doctor then right?
Me - Doctor.. erm..no I'm Shreyan myself..why would my doctor call you guys?
Nun - Oh dear..how are you.. God bless you. Sister Rosario has been kneeling on her knees for the whole day and she is praying. This is what she's been doing everyday since we came to know about your crash. That's why her knees are very sore. We don't get medical care for our selves, but this kind Doctor who also happens to treat our Orphan kids here gave her some Pain relief cream. He knows about your crash so I thought you were him. But please don't tell Sister Rosario that I have told you all this, she will be very upset.
Me - (Almost in tears by now) Okay I'll call tomorrow..thanks bye.

After this conversation I thought, here's a Nun who I not even know that well. I don't do anything for their charity, she doesn't have any profit in any of this..why is she doing this? Then I realized, some people just do things, they do those kind things because they have that compassion in them. She is a Nun, doesn't have any family, money etc.. but still she's doing what ever she can, with in her reach, for not just me..but for so many others too.

That supernatural force (or God) maintains his balance. For all those friends and relatives that didn't call me or give their wishes, he probably arranged me a stranger who does that with out having any connection with me. The same again with the shopkeepers near my house who still wished me. I just was over thinking about their profit etc....but it's possible that they could be kind to me because they too are compassionate human beings. Now I feel more broadly, may be my friends or relatives that didn't wish me were in some sort of chaos them selves, may be they just forgot.. I shouldn't be making assumptions here. This Sister Rosario motivated me so much, I have started believing in doing good for all..and not even worry if it doesn't come back, again in my life. I made a resolution in my life today that I'll be as kind and compassionate to everyone as I can..for life is short..and we should do our best ALWAYS.


Unknown said...


this is a fascinating tale mate. i must say that God does give you everything in life, but it is you to realize what he has given you.

This remarkable story of yours has also motivated me to simple leave it to the supernatural power to be the judge for what i deserve.

take care, and keep writing :-)

Lucky Sharma said...

shreyan , u the man. keep it up.


Shreyan said...

:) thanks both!