Monday, June 8, 2009

What is right & What is wrong?

When a child is born it doesn't have the liberty to decide it's gender, parents, it's face features or for that matter weather or not it wants a life. It's just given birth. He/She then has to grow up the way his/her parents want them. Society also plays a role in this. Society has it's own rules of what a person can or can't do, What is right or wrong. What is confusing though is 'society' and it's rules are made again by the people right?

To make the matter even more confusing there are religions, some made by Prophets and some others made by Messengers of God and Others by God's incarnations (PS all religions, who ever they are founded by, were all born in Human form right? Coming to religions, some say drinking alcohol is okay eating non vegetarian is permitted and some others are totally against it. Very similarly societies too differ. For example what is considered right in Indian society might not be so for American society and the society in Finland may totally be clueless about that issue for all we know.

We all are driven by what our mind/heart/brain tell us. For some people theirs might tell them to go on dating till they find the right person and for few others it will say go for an arranged marriage. Here is a solid difference of opinion. Beauty pageant winners and politicians mostly tell us do what your heart/brain says with in the boundaries of law of the country that you live in and respect that of the other and it'll all be good & the world will turn into a beautiful place to live in etc..right? (Not that I have anything against politicians or Pageant
But, how is it possible? When a developed country invades a weaker, under developed country citing blah blah reasons and the former's people feel that is absolutely okay while latter's people don't think the same.. we have a clash, right? How do we solve these issues? Where's standardized system for right wrong? And who is the final authority? Any answers?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have been debating the very same issue within myself for the past year or so. You do aptly end with unanswered questions as there are no convincing answers available - unless of course, we get the opportunity to stand at the Absolute level and directly perceive the overall scheme of things. That is not our good fortune. In that respect, I believe it is not too bold to say that 'morality' is a term that stands on very loose foundations. I'll push the question further: 'What is Truth?' A Hindu's truth will be Christian's heresy.
But to the extent that that an answer must be found (not for self-delusion but to allow ourselves to move forward within a framework of organised parameters), I believe 'right' and 'wrong' are established when our goals and priorities in life are ascertained. Still, even those concepts of 'right' and 'wrong' are bound to collapse or at least become uncertain once we ask ourselves: "What are the right goals and priorities?"
So, whadya think - am I right or wrong? :P